
Information Architecture & UI Design

What’s a Rich Text element?

EcoPoint is a Rio de Janeiro-based company that offers charging stations for electric vehicles.

Marco, one of the business partners and also the main engineer behind EcoPoint's mobile app, created the vehicle charging app from scratch and needed a designer to improve its look and feel.

These were the MVP (minimum viable product) app screens that he has coded:

Old designs
Old designs




Once the initial app screens were shared we me, I quickly recognized that information architecture work should be done prior to the visual design work.

The initial designs had a lot of information placed together on the same screen, long forms to be filled in, and its navigation was not intuitive, increasing the user's cognitive load.

I created the following low-fidelity wireframes:


What’s a Rich Text element?

Visual Design


The client wanted a clean and fresh look and feel, and he also stated that we should keep the design simple, due to technical restrictions.

These are a couple of the final designs that I came up with:

What’s a Rich Text element?

This was a challenging project due to technical restrictions, but ultimately I was able to go beyond the client’s expectations for a good-looking design: the app navigation is now fluid and intuitive.